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What Does It Mean When Someone Tells Me That New York State Has a ‘Serious Injury Threshold’ for a Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury Case?

There are many states that are known as No-Fault States. However, all of these states have different rules as to what it means to be a no-fault state. New York is one of many states that has their own unique No-Fault system and process for car accidents that occur in state.

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What Are the Signs that I Have Whiplash from My Motor Vehicle Accident?

So you were involved in a serious accident involving a motor vehicle and you are feeling pain to your neck. Although it could be numerous conditions or injury there is a risk that you may have sustained a whiplash injury.

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In What Ways Can a Witness Play a Part in A Car Accident Case?

When a person is involved in a car accident it can be quite a traumatic experience. At the Law Offices of Spencer M. Fein, P.C., we have handled numerous automobile accidents and have first-hand knowledge of the moments right after a car accident.

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How Do I File a No-Fault Claim After a Car Accident?

New York is one of many states that has their own unique No-Fault system and process for car accidents that occur in state. Just like it sounds No-Fault means that the insurance company for the car you occupy (or if you are a pedestrian the car that comes into contact with you) will be responsible for paying certain benefits no matter whose at fault for the accident.

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What Types of Injuries Do We Most See Associated with A Personal Injury Accident?

Traumatic Brain Injuries --TBI’s are caused when an outside force causes (usually a violent blow to the head) causes brain deficiencies. Some traumatic brain injuries can be minor but others can have severe medical consequences.

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Are There Time Restrictions on Filing a Law Suit for a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Yes. States have Staute of Limitations to act as a time barrier preventing individuals from pursuing a claim after what the state deems to be a substantial period of time after the cause of the action occurs.

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What Do I Do After a Car Accident?

First, call the police and/or seek help for anyone injured in the accident. Leaving the scene of an accident could expose you to possible criminal prosecution. Information needs to be exchanged with the other driver and you should wait for the police to arrive to make a formal accident report. Get the reporting officer’s name, along with the other driver’s identification.

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Getting Hurt in An Accident Is a Horrible Experience. Finding a Personal Injury Attorney Shouldn't Be

Briarcliff Manor and Westchester County, NY are fantastic places to live, work, and raise a family. With a growing population of young professionals, Briarcliff Manor and Westchester County, NY are choice suburbs for those who might work in New York City but don't want to live there.

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No-Fault Accidents Happen

As the county seat of Westchester County, NY, Briarcliff Manor & Westchester County, NY residents enjoy a busy, bustling community with great, family-friend events and easy access for commuters to get into New York City. With these commuters, unfortunately, come auto accidents.

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